Description :
The P35 Pro P-Series Smartphone is an Android 9.1 OS device with a 3 lens 16MP + 8MP camera. It has a memory of 128.0GB + 6.0GB. Resolution is 1080 x 2320. It has a screen ratio of 6.3 inch screen. It has a 10 Core CPU Core.
SKU Code: 1000010002321
L = Mobiles & Tablets > Smartphones
S = Mobile & Gadgets > Mobile Phones
Packaging Dimension : 18cm(L) x 10cm(W) x 5cm(H)
*Measurements may slightly differ due to manual measurements.
Packaging Weight : 500 gram
Volume Metric Weight : 350 gram
NOTE: Packaging Weight is a rough estimated packaging weight include wrapping and boxing. Each product wrapping may vary in weight. Packaging Weight or Volume Metric Weight may be heavier than actual product weight in order to accommodate delivery requirements.
WARRANTY: Warranty period is within 14 days after received the item.